Monday, May 6, 2013

Part One: An Introduction

    An Introduction

    My name is Zack Samuels. I graduated from Allen Park High School where I was heavily involved with the theater department. I'm currently a sophomore here, at EMU. I was a Physics Research major, then I came to my senses and realized the world of mathematics has no place for me. Now, I am a Spanish Language major with a TESOL and Foundations in Translation minor. I am not enrolled in this class for the sheer fact that it fulfills a Gen. Ed. requirement. I am here because I want to be. I want to write. I want to read. I want to annotate an essay until the page is so cluttered with ink that it becomes barely legible. For some bizarre reason, I enjoy it.

    Literary Findings

    I have always been in a love/hate relationship with reading, the former generally dominating the latter with occasional confrontation. I have just finished Shadows in Flight by Orson Scott Card, the fifth installment of an unfinished sextet. While I am eagerly awaiting the publication of the final novel, I'm reading American Gods by Neil Gaiman, just one of the many books on my summer reading list. Edgar Allan Poe is tied with Robert Frost and Walt Whitman as my favorite poets. Poe for his shrouded air of mystery and for appealing to that dark abyss everyone has inside of them. Frost for his incredible imagery and for the way his poetry speaks to anyone who will listen. Whitman for his creative genius and for the way his words resonate with me. As far as authors, John Green and Ray Bradbury and Neil Gaiman. Though all of which I have recently discovered, I have devoured every word on every page I have read by these specific authors.

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